from Linda Whitebread
Cambridge XR members Jenny and Derek Langley talked to us about Extinction Rebellion and answered questions. They stressed the need to act now on the threats to life on earth; the usual democratic means (via Parliament, petitions, letters, demonstrations etc) are not working quickly enough.
Key XR principles:
- Non violent
- Respect for other people even if you disagree with them
- Acceptance of responsibility for the consequences of your actions
- Shared mission to create a world safe for everyone: respectful, compassionate, sustainable, equable, connected
- No alcohol, no drugs
- No shame, no blame
- Decisions decentralised and ideally reached by consensus
(LW: this is a personal take on what was said: to see a full list of XR principles and values visit their website)
Afterwards Jenny sent us the following information and follow-up links:
Science/Info about Climate and Ecological Crisis
Science and biodiversity loss – there is loads online and I’d point you towards the XR ‘Heading for Extinction and what to do about it’ (Larch Maxey talk on YouTube).
Cambridge Climate lecture series (Especially the second one 21st Feb 2019 Professor Schellnhuber ‘2100: A Climate-Space Odyssey’ – a really good overview of the climate science)
Absolute Zero. A collaborative research programme led by Julian Allwood, Professor of Engineering and the Environment at Cambridge, aims to cut the UK’s emissions by 2050 by placing resource efficiency at the heart of future industrial strategy. Very good on practical aspects of what has to be done to achieve zero carbon by 2050.
Extinction Rebellion – useful websites
Cambridge XR including divestment campaign
Sign-up for newsletters: (bottom of page)
Rebellion Academy: (online training and info for lots of roles in XR)
The only regular action that is happening in Cambridge at the moment is Silent Rebellion, a meditative action, online 9.30 and at Christ’s Pieces 11.30 every Saturday, organised by the Buddhist Affinity Group. They are keen to spread Silent Rebellion – you could start one of your own!
Jenny Langley