Dr Bike Stapleford

A small group of volunteers is using the Old Slaughterhouse, next to the Three Horseshoes pub in Stapleford, as a community bike repair shed. This is a 2G3S initiative with support from local Cycling UK members, and the local Repair Café organisation. Stapleford Parish Council have kindly allowed the use of their Grade 2-listed building for this purpose.

We will do free ‘Dr Bike’ type safety checks, with adjustments and minor repairs for a donation.

We are open every Tuesday between 3pm and 5:30 pm. (CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR 2024: WE WILL NOT BE OPEN ON 24th DECEMBER OR 31st DECEMBER 2024)

Drag that bike out of your shed or garage, bring it to us, and hopefully we can show you how we make it easier and safer to ride. Whether or not you ride regularly we will try to improve your bike with our simple checks and service.

We can’t do major work, but normally only a series of simple things are needed to make a bike serviceable, and then it should require much less effort to ride!

We can handle non-electrical aspects of e-bikes, but we can’t undertake work on e-bike electrics. Some of our volunteers are experienced with hydraulic brakes on bikes and e-bikes.

We always welcome additional volunteers to help occasionally. For those with a little skill we can easily show you how to do important basic ‘Dr Bike’ checks, with help from those with decades of fiddling with cycles.

Please do bring your bike along, and at the least we can pump up your tyres, adjust your brakes, and do a little lubrication, making your bike easier and more pleasant to ride. You will also get an opportunity to see inside this historic little local building!

Contact us either by email at drbikestapleford@gmail.com, or just come and pay us a visit when we are open – every Tuesday afternoon from 3pm to 5:30pm. There is no need to book.

Likewise if you would like to join our list of volunteers to help out at these sessions, you can drop in and talk to us at any of our sessions, or you can email us at drbikestapleford@gmail.com.