Plastics Campaign

There has been a huge increase in awareness of plastic pollution, due in no small part to publicity such as David Attenborough’s ‘Blue Planet’ programme.  We have seen victories both small and large, from PG Tips resolving to remove plastic from their teabags (did you sign the petition featured in our last newsletter?!!), and the pub in Bristol whch is switching to using drinking straws made from pasta; to the government commitment to introduce a deposit scheme for single-use drinks containers (plastic, glass or metal), and the UK Plastics Pact whereby in April companies responsible for 80% of plastic packaging in supermarkets pledged to crack down by 2025.  And more people are signing up to get their milk delivered in glass bottles – must have read our November newsletter!  Will 2G3S save the world, we ask ourselves?!

Local action on packaging

There have been several responses to my suggestion in the last newsletter that you let us know of positive initiatives by local shops:

We said that Barkers butchers, Great Shelford are very happy if you take a Tupperware container in when buying ham, sausages, cheese etc.  It turns out that Searle’s butchers in Sawston do likewise.

Shelford Deli are now using degradable materials for their takeaways.

Dorrington’s Bakers in Sawston will give you your sliced loaf in a paper, rather than plastic, bag if you ask.

Slightly further afield, Arjuna on Mill Road, Cambridge, routinely allow you to use your own containers for herbs and spices.

2G3S survey – packaging and local sourcing

We have decided that we are going to do a more systematic survey of local food retailers and eateries to find out their policy on plastic packaging; and while we are at it we shall ask them to what extent they source their food locally.  We hope to collate the results in time for the summer issue of this newsletter.