The Time is Now virtual lobby S Cambs now 29 June!


THE TIME IS NOW: VIRTUAL LOBBY FOR A HEALTHY, GREEN & FAIR RECOVERY (TUESDAY 30 JUNE) STOP PRESS: We are delighted to report that Anthony Browne has arranged a Zoom meeting for the South Cambs constituency at 4.00 pm on Monday 29 June.  It is not too late to register, as below.  You are not

No Mow May

A campaign by Plantlife Basically, we don't mow our lawns (or even a patch of lawn) throughout May, and then do a flower count of the unmown area at the end of the month. They have been doing this for some years now - simple to do, but it provides valuable information and gives small

The Big Plastic Count

A campaign by Greenpeace. Count your plastic for one week – 16-22 May 2022. Across the country, households of all shapes and sizes, schools, community groups and businesses, will gather new evidence. How much plastic are we really having to throw away, and what happens to it? We’ll show the government it’s time to commit: