We are delighted to announce our latest film show: an online screening of ‘The Story of Plastic’. The Story of Stuff project was set up in 2007 to protest about our consumption-crazed culture, with a slogan of ‘Better, not More’. ‘The Story of Plastic’ is the latest in their series of award-winning films which use animation to get their points across in a challenging but accessible way. The film takes a sweeping look at the man-made crisis of plastic pollution and the worldwide effect it is having on the health of our planet and the people who inhabit it. Coming after our Conversation Evening on plastic last year, and amid continuing concern for the amount of plastic in the environment, this is a timely topic for our latest film screening.
We have a licence for a limited number of tickets, available via Eventbrite. Ticket holders will receive a link to stream the film at least 48 hours before 8pm on Monday 18th May. The link will be delivered to the email address you supply to Eventbrite. The film is 96 minutes long, and the screening link will expire at 8pm on Monday 18th May.
After having watched the film from the comfort of your own home, you are also invited to join a follow up conversation about issues raised in the film via Zoom, on Monday 18th May at 8pm. You will receive a separate link for the zoom discussion, alongside the streaming link for the film via Eventbrite.
Do register early for your tickets, as we only have a limited number available – you can then choose when you screen the film. We hope to see many of you at the Zoom discussion on 18 May.